Instepper is All About FUN!

Instepper reimagines how players approach soccer skills, fundraising, and personal growth—making every aspect of the journey meaningful, innovative, and enjoyable. Here’s how:

FUNdamentals: Focus on the Basics

The first-touch is one of the most important skills in soccer, yet it often gets overlooked. Instepper takes a fresh, fun approach to developing this and other fundamentals, helping players grow both on and off the field.

Key Points:

  • First-touch focus: A good first touch will build player confidence and play.
  • Innovative lessons: Fun, creative, quick (30-minute) sessions keep mentees engaged and motivated.
  • Building foundations: Embracing the importance of fundamentals equips players with great habits and skills for life.
  • Taking responsibility: To reach their full playing potential, players must take ownership of their development by improving on their own. (top)

FUNdraising: Lead and Succeed

The Instepper fundraising model empowers mentors to lead meaningful, service-based efforts that connects with their communities.

Key Points:

  • Mentor-led initiatives: Fundraisers focus on providing services like clinics or personalized lessons, inspiring others to give generously and regularly.
  • Leveraging technology: Fundraising apps and social media can greatly impact fundraisers, making them much more successful and engaging.
  • Leadership opportunities: Mentors learn valuable skills while making a real difference for themselves, their team, club, and community. (top)

FUNspiration & FUNnovation: Mentors Rock

Fewer than 10% of varsity players or 2% of club players continue their soccer careers beyond high school. Mentoring, however, offers older players the opportunity to develop important skills and qualities while inspiring younger mentees, ensuring the benefits of soccer extend far beyond the game itself.

Key Points:

  • Making a lasting impact: Mentors build confidence and enthusiasm in mentees. The more inspiring and innovative the mentor is, the better.
  • Mentors rock: Older soccer players are uniquely qualified, given their soccer expertise and proximity in age, to help mentees improve their soccer fundamentals.
  • Personal growth: Mentoring fosters leadership, creativity, and responsibility, preparing older players for future academic, professional, and personal success. (top)