Team Benefits
- Younger and older teams will develop strong fundamental skills that will lead to more successes on the field.
- Older teams will raise incredible amounts of money through player-run FUNdraisers.
- Experience the Power of ‘TEAM’.
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Field Success
- In most matches, the team with the better FIRST-TOUCHES will win the game.
- Registration fees, coaches, tournament, travel expenses, etc. Someone has to pay for all of this.
- Donors are much more likely to donate or buy services when players play on active role in their FUNdraiser and are doing something beneficial for the community.
- Well-received and value-added FUNdraisers will have donors coming back year-after-year.
Power of TEAM
- Players will be parts of many teams or groups throughout their lives. Experiencing ‘success’ early will pay dividends down the road.
- ‘Success’ does not necessarily need to be defined by wins
- Teams that unite and take on new challenges (i.e., FUNdraisers) off the field will grow as a team on the field
- Teams that ‘Give Back’ will be rewarding and life changing for all involved
- Helping the under privileged or less fortunate is important.