Category: goals

  • 2010 Soccer MVP: Inside-of-the-Foot … Popularity Among Professionals

    In this continuing series of posts about the 2010 Soccer MVP Tournament, the \’Popularity Among Professionals\’ discipline was won by the inside-of-the-foot. Whether it was to receive, pass, dribble, or shoot the ball, professional soccer players liked using the inside-of-the-foot.

  • Freddie Adu: 2-for-2

    Freddie Adu has now scored twice in both games he has started in for his Greek club Aris. The latest goal came in a 3-0 victory against Skoda Xanthi. Once again, he scored the goal with the inside-of-the-foot.

  • Freddie Adu Scores a Stóchos

    Freddie Adu recently scored his first goal for his Greek club Aris. Five-and-a-half years ago my son\’s soccer team attended Freddie\’s first professional MLS match in San Jose. It was a blast and my son still remembers it fondly.