Tag: inside-of-the-foot

  • Coaches and Parents and Rhetorical Questions

    How does a player respond to the questions, \”What were you thinking or who was that to?\” Players usually won\’t answer the first question and will lie about the second. There is a simple solution addressing the, \”Who was that to?\” rhetorical question that will result in much better play.

  • 2010 Soccer MVP: Inside-of-the-Foot … Ease of Learning

    The inside-of-the-foot won five of six disciplines during the MVP tournament, validating that it is the MVP (most valuable part) in soccer. Too bad \’Inside\’ could not win the last discipline, \’Ease of Learning\’.

  • 2010 Soccer MVP: Inside-of-the-Foot … Popularity Among Professionals

    In this continuing series of posts about the 2010 Soccer MVP Tournament, the \’Popularity Among Professionals\’ discipline was won by the inside-of-the-foot. Whether it was to receive, pass, dribble, or shoot the ball, professional soccer players liked using the inside-of-the-foot.

  • 2010 Soccer MVP: Inside-of-the-Foot … Shooting

    In this continuing series of posts about the 2010 Soccer MVP Tournament, the \’Shooting\’ discipline was won by the inside-of-the-foot. Besides being more accurate and capable of several different types of shots, \’Inside\’ was able to generate almost as much power as the top-of-the-foot.

  • Freddie Adu: 2-for-2

    Freddie Adu has now scored twice in both games he has started in for his Greek club Aris. The latest goal came in a 3-0 victory against Skoda Xanthi. Once again, he scored the goal with the inside-of-the-foot.

  • 2010 Soccer MVP: Inside-of-the-Foot … Passing

    In this continuing series of posts about the 2010 Soccer MVP Tournament, the \’Passing\’ discipline was easily won by the inside-of-the-foot. Besides being more accurate, \’Inside\’ was the only surface that gave a player multiple passing options.

  • Freddie Adu Scores a Stóchos

    Freddie Adu recently scored his first goal for his Greek club Aris. Five-and-a-half years ago my son\’s soccer team attended Freddie\’s first professional MLS match in San Jose. It was a blast and my son still remembers it fondly.

  • 2010 Soccer MVP: Inside-of-the-Foot … Receiving

    In this continuing series of posts about the 2010 Soccer MVP Tournament, the inside-of-the-foot easily won the \’Receiving\’ discipline. When it came to dictating how the ball was received (control) and how many types of passes it could receive (coverage), \’Inside\’ was the clear-cut winner.

  • Inside-of-the-Foot Soccer Fan Club

    After inside-of-the-foot’s victory in the inaugural 2010 MVP (most valuable part) Tournament, a Facebook page has been established for ‘Inside’. Please become a fan of ‘Inside’ and tell your friends.

  • 2010 Soccer MVP: Inside-of-the-Foot

    The landslide winner of the first annual Soccer MVP (most valuable part) Tournament is the inside-of-the-foot. Of the 13 disciplines tested, \’Inside\’ won or tied for first place in 9 of them, further solidifying its importance.