Tag: Gol TV
2010 Soccer MVP: Inside-of-the-Foot … Popularity Among Professionals
In this continuing series of posts about the 2010 Soccer MVP Tournament, the \’Popularity Among Professionals\’ discipline was won by the inside-of-the-foot. Whether it was to receive, pass, dribble, or shoot the ball, professional soccer players liked using the inside-of-the-foot.
2010 Soccer MVP: Inside-of-the-Foot … Shooting
In this continuing series of posts about the 2010 Soccer MVP Tournament, the \’Shooting\’ discipline was won by the inside-of-the-foot. Besides being more accurate and capable of several different types of shots, \’Inside\’ was able to generate almost as much power as the top-of-the-foot.
Gol TV\’s Top 100 Goals for 2009
Thoughts on Gol TV\’s top 100 goals for 2009. Wolfsburg\’s Grafite indeed #1.